
I am Touko Kuusi, a coach, Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) practitioner, meditator, Buddhist practitioner, and a young researcher specializing in the psychology of well-being and evidence-based medicine (systematic reviews). I offer online video-based coaching for individuals. Click here for more information on booking, fees, and availability. I’m LGBTQIA+ and neurodiversity affirmative. Additionally, I like to spend some of my coaching time supporting activists who are willing to commit risky actions and even face imprisonment for the benefit of all sentient beings on this planet. (more on that on the booking page as well)

Coaching is unlocking people’s potential. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them. In coaching we believe that every person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching and the greatest things can happen. So that where there was frustration and darkness can now be appreciation and warmth.

John Whitmore and Pete Carroll (edited by me)

“A true coach knows that we are a team, not individuals (both inside and outside)”


I believe that to be a great coach, one has to be able to deal with one’s own darkness first.

And I may (1) be young, but trust me, I have seen A LOT.

I have faced:

  • Major lack of motivation for most of my adult life (2),
  • Years of being isolated and with no friends in my teens,
  • Emotional challenges as a highly sensitive person (HSP)
  • Physical injuries making me unable to do sports for most of my adult life,
  • Chronic burnout for years which ended to complete and extreme burnout which made me unable to do pretty much anything for 1.5 years due to extreme physical tensions (including work, study, reading, games)
  • A life-threatening bone-illness taking me to a wheelchair and worse in a matter of months
  • just to name a few.

1. Literal translation of my name is paradoxically also May, the fifth month of the year.

2. Which paradoxically eased only after the first ones started…

Who can benefit from coaching?

Coaching can be of benefit for most life’s challenges and aspirations. However, if you fit one of the following groups, I may have particularly good expertise regarding your situation based on my previously described dark challenges as well as my work with other people.

  • People who want to work through certain challenging personal issues (1) including
    • self-criticism and hatred
    • obsessive thoughts and behaviors
    • workaholism and burnout
    • sense of isolation
    • psychological pain caused by illnesses
    • procrastination
    • anxiety
    • grief/low mood/feelings of depression
    • stress
    • trauma
    • lack of motivation
    • lack of feeling of self-worth.
    • Physical illness and disabilities
    • Pain and challenges related to being a highly sensitive person (HSP)
    • Pain and challenges related to being an activist and doing risky actions for the benefit of all sentient beings.
  • People who seek for a personal growth in various domains including
    • Increase confidence and assertiveness
    • Deepen your ability to relate to others
    • Develop your spiritual awareness or meditation practice
  • People who have had bad experiences in any time of one on one coaching or therapy and are reluctant to try again.
    • There are many different forms of coaching. Even though your previous experiences have been bad, you can still make positive steps forward with the right approach. The internal family systems (IFS) approach is unique in the sense that it combines a razor-sharp focus on emotional causes of issues with a sensitivity to a client’s needs that is unlike what I have experienced in other methods. Even further than that, my particular approach informed by IFS, has been praised in particular for its even further gentleness and sensitiveness. To be fair, I started doing it this way originally because standard IFS prompts felt too direct and pushing to me and I needed an even more appreciating and open way in order to make a connection between different motivations and parts within me. So even if you feel like no previous coach has been able to do it right for you, I recommend giving this a try.

Other than these I have also worked with many people with other personal issues and aspirations. Based on this my experience is that whatever the issue is, approaching different motivations and emotional needs behind this issue/aspiration has almost always brought more clarity and or healing. So if you feel unsure, I recommend giving coaching a shot.

  1. However, it is important to note that I am not a medically trained therapist and if I face something that is beyond my limits it is my responsibility to recommend another expert with more appropriate expertise.

How coaching happens – “Appreciate your dark sides” coaching in a nutshell

In coaching, my goal is to provide support to you with your capacities to take better steps forward. In practice, this means that I let you tell me freely about your aspirations and challenges. And then we decide the best way to address these. 

Often my coaching can be like being in therapy, (or particularly like in IFS therapy – as demonstrated in this video) sometimes it is something else. I ask you questions and hold a warm space where you can start appreciating gently and safely both dark and light motivations and parts of you. By doing this you learn to stay and access a space where you can feel peace, happiness, and compassion towards yourself and others. Instead of being afraid or running away from your dark pain, motivations, and parts, you learn to hold your ground. You learn to listen with appreciation to each voice within you and make reasoned and wise steps to address your challenges and aspirations. 

What does coaching look like – a typical coaching session

In coaching, I am here to support you and your capacities to take better steps forward. I highly emphasize a welcoming atmosphere. A typical coaching session with a client follows the steps outlined below (after a short period of small-talk/starting conversation)

  1. Free talk about aspirations and challenges (and any updates)
  2. You decide what part / challenge / aspiration we want to focus on today
  3. Short meditative practice
  4. Inner work with appreciation towards your motivations/parts (using different therapeutic modalities (see my influences)  e.g. in case of IFS as illustrated in this video ) – This is the main part of the session where most healing and growth can happen.
  5. Meditative ending and appreciation towards all motivations/parts
  6. Feedback and suggestions for future sessions

My influences

My process is ongoing, but while on this path I have learned a lot. So in coaching, I drive from the following expertise and experiences

  • Internal Family Systems Therapy
    • I am an officially trained Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) practitioner ( completed in 2023 ). I have also done 6 IFS courses by Bonnie Weiss including +50 hours of facilitating others, and had daily personal IFS practice for over 3 years.
  • 1-year experience of organizing weekly evidence-based peer coaching events in the Finnish Kehitystö association.
  • Many years experience of running numerous evidence-based workshops on topics related to psychological well-being such as life goals, habits, mindfulness in the Finnish Kehitystö association.
  • Skills to competently search best research evidence for the world’s top research groups (see Regivolution project), as well as translate the evidence to numerous blog posts, workshops, and practice. After my burnout, I have continued this work as a hobby. I created the most comprehensive database of empirical research studies about Internal Family Systems Therapy and I am actively collaborating with the researchers in the Internal Family Systems Foundation to create a new official database for them.
  • Personal experience from various modalities helpful for coaching including:
    • Internal family systems (see first bullet above)
    • Meditation – I have run numerous meditation workshops in the past and have meditated daily for over 8 years (including retreats and a 9-month period when I meditated 5 to 7 hours every day). I have completed MBSR course, and practiced in Samatha-Vipassana and unified mindfulness style meditation in the past. Currently, I drive my strength in 2 approaches my personal meditation I have practiced since my late teens, and zen and trauma-informed meditation as practiced in the Boundless in Motion sangha and as recommended by Sensei Kritee (Kanko)
    • Self-compassion and loving-kindness practices
    • Focusing
    • Gratitude practices
    • Self-determination-theory based approaches

My 3 golden rules for coaching

  • All of my coaching is based on things that I have seen evidence of working for others and which have been helpful for me. I don’t do stuff that I don’t trust in my bones.
  • While I drive from my experience and evidence my role in coaching is to hold space for you and support you in your aspirations. I have met numerous therapists and coaches who think they know what their clients need to do and either directly push them or indirectly lead them towards that outcome. I know from my personal experience how traumatizing that can be and therefore my key priority is to not be that kind of coach. So even if I feel in my bones that something would be right for you, I think you have the deepest wisdom to know if that is truly correct or not.
  • While I am here for you fully, I know where my limitations are. I am not a medically trained therapist. Also, the method I am competent at (“Appreciating your dark (and light) parts coaching” – inspired and similar to the internal family systems method) despite being helpful for most psychological issues has its boundaries. Therefore, if I think what I see is beyond my limits I have it as my responsibility to recommend other people with better expertise regarding your situation.

Said about Touko

Book a time

Due to my bone-related illness, I am in a transition phase workwise (my primary focus is shifting from research to coaching as that feels better for my body). Therefore, I am temporarily able to offer you an opportunity to explore the possibilities and benefits of online video-based coaching in a full-length session at no cost before committing. Book a time for an exploration session.

I offer 2 types of coaching (slots)

1. Personal coaching – book a time

Session Fees (60 min): Sliding scale from 60 USD | 55 EUR to 195 USD | 175 EUR (lower price is available for people with limited resources)

2. Personal coaching for activists (with sliding scale cost*) – book a time

*I like to spend some of my time supporting activists who are willing to commit risky actions and face imprisonment for the benefit of all sentient beings on this planet. Therefore I offer a sliding scale option for these groups and my principle is that no activist and especially LGBTQ, black, indigenous, and other people of color, will be turned away for lack of funds.


Everything you decide to share with me is confidential. I am very aware of the confidentiality concerns of my clients. I work both with non-activists and activists and particularly members of the latter group can have substantial privacy/confidentiality concerns when working with any coach/therapist.  
Please get in touch if you would like to hear more about my practices regarding confidentiality and privacy.


Touko Kuusi – appreciatedarkscoaching@gmail.com